rick & 1j13
Thursday, December 19, 2002
Heading north... tomorrow.

Today was long. Yesterday went very well, installing the system and learning a little about this company. Today was long. The life of a programmer: sometimes it works, other times you earn your pay. Today, I hope someone earned something. It's been a good trip, and I've been able to meet some new people, getting to know them on a non-work level in going out at night; getting to know them in the trenches of trying to live up to expectations and please the customer.

God has a funny way of doing things. Sometimes, it's hard to see His hand. Other times, it's obvious that the "coincidences" and such of life are so arranged and designed that God almost gives Himself away in the process. But this week... I've felt His hand, but it's been deftly hidden and mysterious at the same time. There's a drawing of me to Himself, and a faint shoving of guidance to seek Him for myself - like He draws, and wants me to will to be drawn. Does that make sense?

That's my business trip. We fly home tomorrow, and I look forward to hugging the kids and my wife. I've enjoyed the time away (could do without the temp and humidity in Miami, though!), but it'll be good to be home.

Thank you for praying.
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