rick & 1j13
Sunday, January 19, 2003
A good kick-off to Cleansing Stream Spring 2003.

We met for Session #1: ALIGNMENT. I've gone through this material four times or so now, and each time I am simply nailed to the wall concerning my need to walk in alignment. What's that? It means walking in the spirit, not being controlled by the flesh. My spirit is born fresh in Christ, and my soul is in need of the restoration that comes with cleansing and maturity. My body needs healing, and as life goes on from here, it and my soul need to line up properly in submission to my spirit, even as my spirit submits only to the Holy Spirit. No room for fear, for stresses, for feelings and emotions to drive me and force my decisions. And on top of that, proper alignment in my home - my submission to Christ, my wife's submission to me, our children submitting to us - will allow the protection of God in our home and the flow of Christ into our family and community.

In a nutshell, it means that I need to follow Christ, not my own hungers and drives and opinions. And that my wife and I, in mutual submission to each other, also seek to follow Christ instead of what's popular from our in-laws, instead of living by hurt feelings or offended hearts.

More later... ciao.
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