rick & 1j13
Sunday, January 12, 2003
Good morning, Lord.

We talked last night, just a little. I went down to fix myself a sandwich before midnight. And today, I join the rest of the church in a Daniel Fast. No meat, no bread, no dairy for three weeks. Removing those foods that really bring pleasure to the flesh, in order to give time and energy to building up the spirit within.

And I am strangely content, Lord. I'm not worried about the next three weeks, about the foods I'm going to miss (though I did have a cajun ribeye last night!) and stuff like that. I'm not looking with dread at the TV being turned off a little earlier each night, at the PC sitting dormant and untouched each night (okay, that one might be tough). Instead, I'm looking at the possibility of getting some of the chaff out of my life, getting rid of those things that have served to clutter up the room of my relationships with You and with those around me.

I read Isaiah 58, and I see that the "true fast" is one that breaks bondages and frees captives and heals friends. I want that so much to be a part of who I am all the time, not just over the next three weeks. I want people around me to be a part of what's going on inside of me as I seek after You.

A "busy" Sunday ahead, but I relish the thought of spending more real time with You, O Lord. As Pastor preaches on "Removing The Veil" - may I be challenged to remove my own, to allow You to remove it from me, Your Bride, and may I be changed and challenged in the presence of the Spirit amongst Your people.

In Jesus' name, Amen.
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