Monday, February 10, 2003
Things Rick needs to do this week in order to be an all-around-swell-and-not-too-lazy guy:
1) Gotta update the CWO website. I'm not usually at all up-to-date over there, and I need to be doing a better job. Right now, it's out of date on the front page, and I've got updates to some of the inner workings, too. Don't let Dean see it, ok?
2) Finish reading THIRTY DAYS by Sunday, keeping my string of "finishing a book per week" active. It's good, but not a quick read, because as I find Paul Mariani struggling with issues of his faith in following the steps of St. Ignatius, I'm forced to meditate long and hard on my own issues, too.
3) Order new material from Cleansing Streams for session #3 - words. I'm still waiting on the session #2 workbooks, though... aarrgghh.
4) Family Reading Time - Vicki and I are going to be working hard to make this a positive and enjoyable time for us and the kids, each night as possible, instead of wasting away in front of the TV/PC/GameCube/GBA. When the weather gets warmer, this can also be switched for Family Walking Night, Family Basketball Night, or Family Let's-Go-Bug-The-Grandparents Night.
5) Do good work at work this week. Make sure - double sure - that my customers have everything they need, and that it works as best as it can. Not that we've been flagging on the issue, but it looks better if we can get on top of things instead of seeming to always be in reaction mode, you know? Same thing probably goes for me at church, getting on top of things instead of reacting to change.