rick & 1j13
Sunday, July 27, 2003
I know my household doesn't want to hear this, but we've only got a couple of weeks left before school starts back. My wife, the high school drama teacher, starts back this Friday 08/01, and the kids head back next Thursday 08/07. Me? I didn't get summer vacation, so what do I care? :) Just kiddin'. It's been a long summer for my sweetie, keeping the kids busy and trying to get some "rest" herself. They'll take a couple of day trips this week before heading back to the day-to-day school calendar. Woo hoo.

We had a good morning at church. The video series on the 10 Commandments hit on #7 - No Adultery. After the 30-minute video, we talked about how important it is for each spouse to cherish the other. I recognized that no one in the room was currently with his/her spouse - other husbands and wives were doing other various things this morning, and everyone here was watching this video "alone". So I played on that - while our spouse is elsewhere, how can each of us cherish him/her more? Then, my wife came in, and suddenly I'm the only one in the room with my mate. As the conversation continued, she told me later that she was amazed at my insights, my discussion, my points for those congregated (it's usually either "amazed" or she's shaking her head, so I was pretty pumped). I pray that her perception of me is that I cherish her, that I seek her well-being above everything else in our relationship.

Pastor continued talking about The House God Is Building. Too often we've focused on the mansions that Christ is preparing for us, but we neglect to consider the living stones being used to build Christ a place to dwell. Does it bother us at all that Christianity is falling apart, that "this temple" is a laughing stock? We take better care of our own homes, our jobs, our possessions, our look than we do our inner man's spiritual growth, spiritual transformation, spiritual challenge. I know that's a generalization, but this is one area where we all fall short of the mark.

Either going to spend this evening reading or catching a flick on the telly. Then - work work work. Hopefully, this week will be busy enough to go quickly, and light enough to not wear me out. And in the midst of it all, I've got to find time to hit Starbucks. Woo hoo.
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