rick & 1j13
Friday, December 05, 2003
I hope everyone's having a great holiday season so far, with all the Christmas shopping done, all the decorating done, all the plans made and reservations set. that way, if y'all are done - you can come to Columbia and help us!!!

In the blogosphere - that portion of the 'net where geeks like me journal their thoughts online - there's a Friday ritual called the Friday Five. This week, Heather the owner needed to take the weekend off, leaving me with a gaping hole in my Friday posting. So I'll throw out a PseudoFridayFive here for our holiday weekend.

peace on earth - rick

1) what is the first christmas gift you remember getting as a child?
2) how would you replace "five golden rings" in the 12 Days of Christmas with something that's valuable to you (and fits the meter of the song)
3) what are you getting me for Christmas? (whoops - how did that get in there?)
4) what was your favorite gift to give last year?
5) do you remember/still own/still use any gifts from last year?

Please let us know you're pseudo-fiving by leaving a comment with linkage to your answers/site, or post your answers straight up. Gracias.
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