Saturday, June 26, 2004
The Stand: the Bible (Reprise)
Got this in an email (I've been cross-posting to the 1J13 email list):
- Oszkar: And it was great to read it. I can't really explain it, but it was good to see that someone else also believes that the Bible is absolute truth,...
Me: This is going to be nitpicky on my part, but it's got to be a part of this series somewhere. Later on, I'll probably attempt to do a short take on "The Stand: Truth" - because I think "absolute truth" is something we don't understand. The phrase is redundant: truth is truth, and adding "absolute" to it doesn't make it any more true, does it? At the same time, our ability to know truth absolutely is severely limited, especially in comparison to God and His all-over perspective. And if our ability to know it is flawed, then our ability to convey it to others is also out of whack. This is why it's important to regard Truth as a Person, and dwell on it mostly out of relationship with Christ - instead of where we normally go with truth, revelling in the "joy of being right".